Anyone who is a consistent concertgoer doesn’t struggle to find national talent when they come to their city. As of right now, there isn’t a structured way for these concertgoers to find local talent. The goal of Live Local is to provide knowledge to these concertgoers of venues and local talent in the D.C. area.

Ultimately, concertgoers resort to street signs, artist websites, and word of mouth from friends to find local shows. These individuals long to be connected to live local shows. 

Live Local is a single location where users can see what lives shows are on a given day, analyze certain venues, and find ticket links. Live Local has an interface designed to put concertgoers in the know about live local shows. 

My Role
I was responsible for research, ideation, and sketching of the user experience of Live Local’s mobile interface.

1 week deadline

Seek to Understand Through Discovery and Research

I began my research and discovery process by interviewing 4 users. I wanted to understand how users were accessing live music, what process they went through in selecting concerts, and what their preferences were for concerts. 
“I have specific venues/artists that I follow and stay updated on to find live shows.”

“I don’t struggle finding national talent but I find it difficult to find local talent.”

Key Takeaways

Finding local shows in D.C. is difficult
Concertgoers have specific venue preferences and are upset when venues aren't in line with those preferences
StubHub and Ticketmaster don't provide users with a good experience (processing fees, only national headliners)
Spending too much on food/drinks at venues

User Flow

I created an initial user flow to get an understanding of how users would navigate through Live Local. From there it was time to get into sketching and wireframes!  

My initial sketches were done on paper with pen and pencil. I then tested my paper prototypes on 10 users and iterated based off of trends I found in my usability testing. 

Filtered by location

Users expressed that they would rather see the shows for the current day instead of sorting by closest location
One user suggested providing user generated content for the venues with users having the ability to rate venues based off past visits
How It Works!

Future Plans
Allowing users to follow specific artists
Giving venues the capability to upload beer menus
Diving into wearables to give users updates on when their favorite artists are in town

Live Local

Live Local
